
Template created by Melissa Gilbert

All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.

Heading font screen shot

Hanken Grotesk

Hanken Grotesk is a free font from Google fonts that you can use on your website. Find more fonts on the Google Fonts website.

License link
Default font for template


Inter is a free font from Google fonts that you can use on your website. Find more fonts on the Google Fonts website.

License link
Human brain research imageSimon Smith's bookCrowd at speaking eventSimon Smith speaking on stageA crowd at a speaking eventSimon Smith speaking on stage

Image licences

All images used across the website are from Some were modified to have different background and this was done using canva and figma.


In the media images

The placeholder images used on the media page were generated from within WebFlow.

Prosphor Icons

Licence link